Privacy Notice

Remarks on Data Protection

We, WM BEAUTYSYSTEMS AG & Co. KG, take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly adhere to the provisions of the legislation relating to data protection. This website collects personal data only where technically necessary. Under no circumstances will the data collected be sold or forwarded to third parties for any other reasons. The following statement provides you with an overview of how we ensure this protection, and of what kinds of data are collected, and for what purposes.

What information do we collect / store?

Every time you visit our website, our web server automatically stores the domain name and the IP address of your Internet provider along with the date, time and duration of your visit, the sub-pages / URLs you visit, and information about the computer / software you used to view our pages. We also store usage-based information generated through use of our services. Among other things, this includes information about transactions (particularly relative to downloads and uploads of our products or recommendations). Your personal (person-related) data are only stored if you voluntarily permit us to do so, particularly within the framework of a required online registration.

What use is made of my data?

Your data primarily aid the orderly provision of and billing for our services, particularly your own personal identification, authorisation and authentication when using our online offerings and the client software we provide. Your data are also used to tailor and optimise our offerings in light of your desires and interests, as these may emerge based on your use behaviour. In anonymised form, your data may be used for statistical and marketing purposes.

Who uses my data, and are they passed along to third parties?

The collection, processing and use of data within the framework of the Data Protection Statement are performed by us and by companies associated with us. Where we commission third parties with the execution of individual tasks, they, too, are properly authorised to collect, process and use the data for the purposes set forth in this Statement. In the event, we nevertheless see to it that these third parties are contractually obliged to observe your rights to data protection. Moreover, we never forward your data or information to any third parties unless you expressly consent to our doing so. This does not apply to the forwarding, in anonymised form, of data such that the person involved cannot be identified. We may forward personal data to third parties if we are obliged to do so, either by law or on the grounds of an official or court order.


Our websites use so-called 'cookies' in several places. They help make our websites more user-friendly, efficient and secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your PC and used by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are those known as 'session cookies'. These are deleted automatically at the end of your visit. Cookies will not harm your PC and do not contain any viruses.


If you wish to receive the newsletter we offer, we shall require a valid e-mail address from you, along with information permitting confirmation that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided, or that the owner of the address consents to receipt of the newsletter. No additional data are collected. You may revoke your consent to the storage of these data and of the e-mail address, and to their use for the transmission of the newsletter, at any time.

Further Information

Your trust is important to us. That is why we want to be available to you at all times to answer any questions you may have in regarding the processing of your personal data. You may contact our Data Protection Officer at any time with any questions you may have that could not be answered in this Data Protection Statement, or if you seek more detailed information about a particular item contained herein.

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